The generated video format is MP4 container format with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec. (Bitrate information is displayed as KB/S, KB/S = kiloBits/second). This desired video size is approximate value, resulting file may be smaller or larger than this size, you can change this value as you need.
After software open a source video, it will read and show key video information, such as: File Size, Bitrate, Duration, Video Format, Video Bitrate, Audio Format, Audio Bitrate and Video Dimension (Width / Height), then software will calculate an estimated output video size, that is 'Desired Video Size'. The basic usage is very simple, click on 'Open' button to select a video file, then set a desired compressed video size, finally, click 'Compress' button to start video compression.įirst of all, the most important option is 'Desired Video Size'.
This software can work with many popular video formats, such as MP4 (MPEG4), MPG, AVI, FLV, F4V, M4V, WMV, MOV, MKV, ASF, RMVB (RM) and more.įreeware, clean and easy to use, free for personal and non-commercial use, get it from a file mirror. Free Video Compressor is a free and lightweight video compression software that can compress almost common video files, it can help you to easily shrink a video clip and reduce video file size.